
Lansing Sun

Friday, March 28, 2025

Enrollment Analysis: Hispanic students comprised 12.1% of Ingham County's districts student body in 2022-23 school year

Webp superintendent of public instruction michael f rice 2023

MI Superintendent of Public Instruction Michael F. Rice 2023 | Michigan Department of Education

MI Superintendent of Public Instruction Michael F. Rice 2023 | Michigan Department of Education

There were 4,682 Hispanic students enrolled in Ingham County districts in the 2022-23 school year, 1.4% more than the previous year, according to the Michigan Department of Education.

Data showed that Ingham County welcomed 38,692 students during the 2022-23 school year. Among them, Hispanic students comprised 12.1% of the student body to be the third most represented ethnicity in the county districts.

Among the 23 districts in Ingham County, Lansing Public School District recorded the highest enrollment of Hispanic students in the 2022-23 school year, with a total of 2,082 students.

The main offices of all districts mentioned in the story are located in cities associated with Ingham County.

Overall student enrollment in Michigan remains below pre-pandemic levels, with white students experiencing the largest decline at 6.5%.

Academic performance has also suffered, with the state's average NAEP score dropping by 6.5 points and ethnic achievement gaps widening. Black and Hispanic students' average math proficiency dropped by 7% in 2022, to 13.5% and 28.2%, respectively.

Ethnicities in Ingham County in 2022-23 School Year
White [54.1%]African American [17.7%]Hispanic [12.1%]Multiracial [9.6%]Asian [6%]Ethnicities <5% [0.5%]
Hispanic Enrollment in Ingham County During 2022-23 School Year
District% of Hispanic Students EnrolledTotal Enrollment
Cole Academy22.3%354
Dansville Schools3.5%748
East Lansing School District10.9%3,790
Great Lakes Learning Academy9.5%1,138
Haslett Public Schools10.5%2,563
Holt Public Schools14.6%4,923
Ingham ISD15.4%1,327
Lansing Charter Academy22.2%451
Lansing Public School District20.7%10,062
Leslie Public Schools3.7%1,100
Mason Public Schools (Ingham)8.5%3,265
Michigan Connections Academy8.4%1,656
Michigan Department of Corrections2.3%44
Mid-Michigan Leadership Academy6.6%348
Okemos Public Schools4%4,595
Stockbridge Community Schools4.6%1,156
Webberville Community Schools3.9%456
White Pine Academy4%50
Williamston Community Schools5.7%1,846
Windemere Park Charter Academy27.9%630