
Lansing Sun

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Haslett Public Schools Board nominates representatives ahead of June 5 election


The Haslett Public Schools Board discussed supporting representatives for the Ingham Intermediate School District at their meeting on May 22. | Michigan State University

The Haslett Public Schools Board discussed supporting representatives for the Ingham Intermediate School District at their meeting on May 22. | Michigan State University

The Haslett Public Schools Board discussed the upcoming Ingham Intermediate School District election during their May 22 board meeting.

According to a video of the meeting published on the board's YouTube page, the district holds an election every two years to elect board members to represent a collection of school districts in the region.

These board members are not elected by the public. They are chosen by representatives from each school district within the ISD. Those representatives also serve as members of their respective school boards.

The Haslett Public Schools Board nominated Amy Clark to represent their district, and Greg Bird was chosen as the alternate.

Cammy Wheeler, a board member, told Clark and Bird that serving on the board has several benefits including opportunities “to chat and meet people.”

The election is scheduled for June 5 at 6 p.m. at the Thorburn Education Center, according to comments made in the video.

“Be it resolved that this board does hereby approve the designation of Amy Clark as the representative of this board for the electoral body,” said Molly Polverento, the board president. “Which body will elect two candidates to the vacancies on the ISD board on Monday, June 5, 2023, and Greg Bird as an alternate in the event that the designated representative is unable to attend.”

The candidates, Lori Zajac and John Wolenberg, are also incumbents, both holding positions they were appointed to. Zajac is the current ISD board president and Wolenberg is a trustee.

Polverento asked if there were any objections to supporting Zajac and Wolenberg and received no objections from the board.

As part of the annual approval process, the Haslett School Board also approved the proposed general fund of the Ingham ISD.

The ISD requires the approval of all their school districts on the budget before they can make their approval vote. The ISD budget does not impact the funding or budgets of constituent districts, according to the video.

Along with Haslett Schools, the Ingham ISD includes Dansville, East Lansing, Holt, Lansing, Leslie, Mason, Okemos, Stockbridge, Waverly, Webberville, and Williamston schools.