
Lansing Sun

Thursday, March 6, 2025

‘Putting a purchase order in as soon as that purchasing window opens,’ says Cassin if board approves purchasing tech equipment in April


Wilkshire STEAM teacher Elana Waugh and Kimberly McKenna Fritz help a Haslett student use a bot. | Haslett school facebook https://www.facebook.com/FoundationforHaslett/posts/pfbid0qak23u4Nk5AEbWucoiVx9ynhHF3KK3VhyjUAGwxXKkJGfmcUXEwExZHFyBsERUrhl?__tn__=%2CO*F

Wilkshire STEAM teacher Elana Waugh and Kimberly McKenna Fritz help a Haslett student use a bot. | Haslett school facebook https://www.facebook.com/FoundationforHaslett/posts/pfbid0qak23u4Nk5AEbWucoiVx9ynhHF3KK3VhyjUAGwxXKkJGfmcUXEwExZHFyBsERUrhl?__tn__=%2CO*F

The Haslett Public School District discussed what to do with aging tech equipment at its March 13 board meeting.

Director of Technology Jeff Cassin provided a report on equipment that the district had on hand through his annual request for new and replacement technology.

He recommended the board purchase 110 Hewlett Packard desktop computers through a state purchasing program to replace old computers in the district. The board is expected to discuss the measure and vote on the item at its April meeting.

Because the purchasing window does not open until the middle of April, there are no exact prices for the board to consider. However, Cassin reached out to a couple of vendors to get a general idea of what they would be bidding and was told computers would cost no more than $525 each. This purchase, of no more than $57,750, would come out of their technology budget.

“This would coincide with the purchasing window for the statewide device purchasing program, which opens on April 13,” said Cassin. “So, assuming the board would approve this purchase on April 10, that gives us the option of putting a purchase order in as soon as that purchasing window opens. Depending on what the delivery time would be this year, we would either do the purchase, put the purchase order in that day, or we would hold off a couple of weeks. If it looks like delivery times are a little bit sooner, but we would like that option. As we have noticed in the past couple of years, delivery times tend to be quite long.”

He added that the 110 computers would be replaced in the summer in classrooms, offices and a computer lab at the high school.

Cassin also recommended the purchase of 624 HP 11 Chromebooks to replace their aging predecessors. These Chromebooks are estimated to cost no more than $250 each, meaning a purchase order of no more than $156,000.

Cassin also shared that they do recycle their old equipment, putting them up for sale once the equipment is replaced. Anyone who wants to take them puts up an offer and the district does get a small amount of money for their old technology.