
Lansing Sun

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Library Programs

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It’s another quiet week here at the library. | East Lansing Public Library

It’s another quiet week here at the library. | East Lansing Public Library

Check out the week ahead at the library. For more info on these events and others throughout the month, visit elpl.org.

Monday, 2/13:4:15-6:15pm: Celebrating Black Voices in Movies - Black Panther (kids and teens)Popcorn and soda pop will be available!4:30-5:30pm: Maker Monday (kids)Test your engineering skills with this week's maker challenge!7-8pm: French Club (all ages)Practice speaking and listening in French!7-8pm: Muslim Journeys - The Great Muslim American Road Trip (adults)Join us for a scholar led discussion of the episode A Bridge Over Troubled Waters: Tulsa to Albuquerque, part of the Great Muslim American Road Trip PBS series. This episode focuses on the experiences of African-American Muslims.

Tuesday, 2/14:Happy Valentine's Day!10:30-11:15am: ToddlerTime (ages 2-3)We'll practice our pre-reading skills with lots of stories, songs, dancing, and play!3:30-5:30pm: Robotics Club (kids, teens, & their adults)Learn to build, code, and control a variety of robots! Drop by any time for an open-house style workshop.4-5pm: Kids Comics Club (kids)Come talk about your favorite comics, and create some of your own!5-6pm: Social Hour (adults)Come make new friends! Light refreshments provided.6:30-8pm: Books on Tap (adults)Join us at Reno's East for drinks and lively book discussion! This month we're talking about American Prison, by Shane Bauer.

Wednesday, 2/15:5-6pm: Read to a Dog (ages 6-14)Buddy's Pals is here with educational comfort dogs! Please register in advance at elpl.org. 5:30-6:30pm: Homework Help (grades K-8)MSU's Kappa Delti Pi will be here to help kids with homework!7:30-8:30pm: Practice Your English (adults)Please sign up at elpl.org.

Thursday, 2/16:10:30-11:15am: BabyTime (birth to 18 months)We'll make new friends and lay the groundwork for pre-reading skills.3-4pm: Teen Action Group meeting (teens)Eat pizza, plan library events, and participate in service projects!4:30-5:30pm: LEGO Thursdays (kids and teens)Follow the week's themed challenge, or free build your own design!

Friday, 2/17:10:30-11:15am: Preschool StoryTime (3-5 years old)Centered around the Every Child Ready to Read principles, we'll learn as we read, write, sing, talk, and play.

Saturday, 2/18:11am-1pm: Robot Day (all ages)Come enjoy a robot extravaganza in this open-house style event! We'll have activites, demonstrations, and crafts throughout the library, all exploring robotics.

#WeekAhead #LibraryPrograms #EastLansing

Original source can be found here.