
Lansing Sun

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Snow Removal in the City of Saline


City of Saline recently issued the following announcement.

The City of Saline has ordinances that seek to ensure that snow, as well as ice, is removed from sidewalks in order to reduce the likelihood of injuries to pedestrians.

Since winter brings snow and ice to Saline, an ordinance requires people in charge or control of any building(s) or lot(s) (including home owners) which fronts a paved sidewalk to remove any ice or snow from the sidewalk to form an open path of at least 42” in width.

In all zoning districts, snow or ice must be removed within twenty-four hours (24) hours after the snow or accumulations ends. Subsequent drifting of snow on sidewalks must also be removed.

Snow accumulating intermittently over several days is typically considered multiple snow events. If there is a clear stop between the end of one series of accumulation and the beginning of another period of accumulation the snow from the first accumulation must be removed within that 24-hour period even if new snow is falling. This is to allow for pathways to remain traversable throughout a series of multiple snow events.  

To read the ordinance in its entirety, visit https://www.cityofsaline.org/.../public.../snow_removal.php

Original source can be found here.