
Lansing Sun

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Dispose of Christmas Trees during Heavy Item & Brush Collection

Fraser fir christmas tree delivery

City of Midland issued the following announcement on Dec 16.

When it’s time to wrap up the holiday season, Midland residents can dispose of their Christmas trees – live or artificial – by placing it at the curb on their monthly heavy item collection day. 

City crews will collect Christmas trees during residents’ once-a-month heavy item and brush collection week. Trees will not be collected with regular refuse collection. The tree should be free of ornaments, garland, and tinsel. Residents should also remove plastic tree bags used to cover the tree as it is removed from the house.  

Real Christmas trees are recycled into wood chips at a City compost site. Artificial trees are collected with other bulk refuse items during heavy item collection.

Residents who wish to keep their live trees can prop it up in the backyard to use as shelter for birds and animals during the winter months. Residents can find all of the City’s regular and holiday collection schedules, as well as set email and mobile alert reminders by using the free Recycle Coach™ app available on mobile from the App Store and Google Play or online at www.recyclecoach.com/residents. Collection schedules and information about acceptable items for collection can be found in the 2022 City Calendar & Services Guide delivered by mail to all City households and businesses in the coming weeks.

View the disposal instructions Christmas trees – and over 10,000 other household items – via the City’s “What Goes Where” digital search tool at www.cityofmidlandmi.gov/whatgoeswhere or via the Recycle Coach mobile app.

For more information or questions, contact the Department of Public Services at 989-837-6900 or visit www.cityofmidlandmi.gov/publicservices. 

Original source can be found here.

Source: City of Midland