
Lansing Sun

Monday, March 10, 2025

Rep. Filler wants golf courses open during Michigan's stay-at-home order

Golfer female

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Rep. Graham Filler (R-DeWitt) appealed to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to allow golf courses to operate under the stay-at-home order, citing recreational opportunities and the ability to allow enforcement of social distancing guidelines. 

“With tens of thousands of employees and endless opportunities for exercise and outdoor recreation, Michigan’s golf courses are not only a  wonderful resource for the state but also uniquely situated to allow for outdoor leisure activity while allowing participants to stay safe and physically separated,” Filler said in an April 3 statement

Steps available to operate safely, according to Filler, include allowing one person per golf cart, sanitizing carts regularly, scheduling tee times by telephone or online, prohibiting people from touching common surfaces and limiting food orders to take out.

Golf courses in some states remain open with stay-at-home orders, including Ohio, Illinois, Indiana and New York. 

“Golf is a pastime that would allow families who are feeling stir-crazy at home to get outside, be active and enjoy themselves while still staying a safe distance away from others,” Filler said. “It’s really no different than hiking, biking or jogging through a local park. As long as you stay away from crowds, all of these activities are safe ways to  relieve stress during this difficult time.”

Some Michigan residents are playing golf south of the border in Ohio. According to Crain's Detroit Business, courses in Toledo and surrounding areas are seeing an influx of Michigan golfers. 

Some courses in Ohio are turning away Michiganders and others are welcoming them with open arms. 

The courses that remain open in Ohio are taking numerous safety and health precautions. Pro shops are closed to the public, only one player is allowed per cart, cups are raised to minimize touching, tee times are more spread out and food is not being served.