Talent Investment Agency
State Government: Agencies/Departments/Divisions | State Departments
Recent News About Talent Investment Agency
Talent Investment Agency spends $220,707 on employees classified as unemploy insurance analyst trainees in 2019
Talent Investment Agency spent $220,707 on employees classified as unemploy insurance analyst trainees in 2019, making this the 34th-ranked profession in terms of total salary paid by Talent Investment Agency.
Talent Investment Agency spends $226,490 on employees classified as auditing specialists in 2019
Talent Investment Agency spent $226,490 on employees classified as auditing specialists in 2019, making this the 32nd-ranked profession in terms of total salary paid by Talent Investment Agency.
Talent Investment Agency spends $294,006 on employees classified as employment service managers in 2019
Talent Investment Agency spent $294,006 on employees classified as employment service managers in 2019, making this the 27th-ranked profession in terms of total salary paid by Talent Investment Agency.
Talent Investment Agency spends $373,606 on employees classified as reproduction machines operators in 2019
Talent Investment Agency spent $373,606 on employees classified as reproduction machines operators in 2019, making this the 22nd-ranked profession in terms of total salary paid by Talent Investment Agency.
Talent Investment Agency spends $313,351 on employees classified as senior executive managment assistants in 2019
Talent Investment Agency spent $313,351 on employees classified as senior executive managment assistants in 2019, making this the 26th-ranked profession in terms of total salary paid by Talent Investment Agency.
Talent Investment Agency spends $370,236 on employees classified as state bureau administrators in 2019
Talent Investment Agency spent $370,236 on employees classified as state bureau administrators in 2019, making this the 23rd-ranked profession in terms of total salary paid by Talent Investment Agency.
Talent Investment Agency spends $408,032 on employees classified as liability examiners in 2019
Talent Investment Agency spent $408,032 on employees classified as liability examiners in 2019, making this the 21st-ranked profession in terms of total salary paid by Talent Investment Agency.
Talent Investment Agency spends $343,968 on employees classified as accountants in 2019
Talent Investment Agency spent $343,968 on employees classified as accountants in 2019, making this the 24th-ranked profession in terms of total salary paid by Talent Investment Agency.
Talent Investment Agency spends $335,920 on employees classified as human resources developers in 2019
Talent Investment Agency spent $335,920 on employees classified as human resources developers in 2019, making this the 25th-ranked profession in terms of total salary paid by Talent Investment Agency.
Talent Investment Agency spends $581,741 on employees classified as state division administrators in 2019
Talent Investment Agency spent $581,741 on employees classified as state division administrators in 2019, making this the 14th-ranked profession in terms of total salary paid by Talent Investment Agency.
Talent Investment Agency spends $482,349 on employees classified as departmental managers in 2019
Talent Investment Agency spent $482,349 on employees classified as departmental managers in 2019, making this the 18th-ranked profession in terms of total salary paid by Talent Investment Agency.
Talent Investment Agency spends $455,685 on employees classified as senior deputy directors in 2019
Talent Investment Agency spent $455,685 on employees classified as senior deputy directors in 2019, making this the 20th-ranked profession in terms of total salary paid by Talent Investment Agency.
Talent Investment Agency spends $476,438 on employees classified as migrant services workers in 2019
Talent Investment Agency spent $476,438 on employees classified as migrant services workers in 2019, making this the 19th-ranked profession in terms of total salary paid by Talent Investment Agency.
Michelle L. Diffin earns $70,387 during 2019 working at the Talent Investment Agency as a senior executive managment assistant
Michelle L. Diffin earned $70,387 during 2019 working at the Talent Investment Agency as a senior executive managment assistant.
Talent Investment Agency spends $504,078 on employees classified as state assistant administrators in 2019
Talent Investment Agency spent $504,078 on employees classified as state assistant administrators in 2019, making this the 17th-ranked profession in terms of total salary paid by Talent Investment Agency.
Talent Investment Agency spends $517,252 on employees classified as higher education consultants in 2019
Talent Investment Agency spent $517,252 on employees classified as higher education consultants in 2019, making this the 15th-ranked profession in terms of total salary paid by Talent Investment Agency.
Talent Investment Agency spends $510,930 on employees classified as departmental technicians in 2019
Talent Investment Agency spent $510,930 on employees classified as departmental technicians in 2019, making this the 16th-ranked profession in terms of total salary paid by Talent Investment Agency.
Talent Investment Agency spends $585,217 on employees classified as state office administrators in 2019
Talent Investment Agency spent $585,217 on employees classified as state office administrators in 2019, making this the 13th-ranked profession in terms of total salary paid by Talent Investment Agency.
Talent Investment Agency spends $778,668 on employees classified as accounting technicians in 2019
Talent Investment Agency spent $778,668 on employees classified as accounting technicians in 2019, making this the 10th-ranked profession in terms of total salary paid by Talent Investment Agency.
Talent Investment Agency spends over $1 million on employees classified as account examiners in 2019
Talent Investment Agency spent $1,357,262 on employees classified as account examiners in 2019, making this the ninth-ranked profession in terms of total salary paid by Talent Investment Agency.